Here are the main rights of local public transportation users:
- passengers have the right to benefit from local public transportation, freely and without discrimination;
- passengers have the right to access information regarding the local public transportation services;
- passengers will have access to local council decisions regarding the local public transportation;
- passengers have the right to contest the local council decisions, in view of preventing or repairing a direct or indirect damage, caused by such decisions,in accordance with legal stipulations;
- passengers have the right to alert the local public administration authorities concerning any deficiencies noticed in the performing of local public transportation services;
- passengers have the right to be consulted directly or via a representative of a non-governmental organization in the process of elaborating and adopting decisions, strategies and regulations regarding the local public transportation;
- in accordance with the legislation in effect, certain categories of passengers, benefit from a series of facilities.
Here are the main obligations of passengers:
- passengers must have a valid travel ID or any other transportation document established by law;
- passengers must pay the price of the valid travel titles, for the trips they take, in accordance with the fare legibly printed on such titles;
- passengers must make due payment for the provided/performed services in accordance with the contract, within the established term;
- passengers must not damage the goods belonging to the transportation systems in the public or private domain;
- passengers must have a decent behavior in relation with the staff of the service performers and other passengers.