The following tickets can be purchased if you want to travel on the Păltiniș route:
- 1-way ticket for Păltiniș;
- 2-way ticket for Păltiniș;
- Bicycle ticket for Păltiniș.
The price for a 1-way ticket is 11 lei, the price for a 2-way ticket is 20 lei, and the bicycle ticket costs 10 lei.
Where can I purchase Păltiniș tickets?
- Tursib agencies;
- Contactless devices in Tursib buses;
- The SibiuBus app;
- Street vending devices at bus stops, except for vending devices on the "Green Line";
- Online, on the Tursib website (the tickets will be charged on the Tursib physical plastic card).
- In the bus, from the bus driver.
* Bicycle tickets and 2-way tickets can be purchased via all the above methods except contactless machines in Tursib coaches.
*To purchase several tickets via bank card from the contactless machines on the bus, press the "+" sign on the machine after each purchase.
How do I validate my Păltiniș ticket?
Tickets need to be validated immediately after boarding the bus.
In the case of QR code tickets, these need to be scanned by using the yellow validation machines located in the bus. The QR code needs to be placed at the bottom of the machine and in case of successful validation, the following message will appear “Enjoy your trip!”
For a repeated validation of tickets loaded on single-use cards or Tursib physical plastic cards, press the "+" sign on the yellow validation machine after each validation.
Tickets without a QR code, printed on thermal paper, that can be purchased directly from the bus driver, will be validated at the orange validation machines, by inserting the paper ticket inside the machine. The machine will print the validation date and time.
How are Păltiniș tickets inspected?
Ticket inspections are carried out by Tursib traffic inspectors, authorised by the Municipality of Sibiu.
In the case of tickets purchased through the mobile application SibiuBus, the inspection is done by the traffic inspectors who scan the QR code generated in the application, by using their control devices, or by scanning the yellow validation machines on the bus.
In the case of tickets having been purchased via contactless bank card from the on-board contactless devices, the control will be carried out by approaching the bank card used to purchase the ticket to the yellow validation machines or with the help of the control devices used by the traffic inspectors.
In case the tickets are loaded on Tursib plastic cards or Tursib single-use cards, the control is carried out by the same two methods, the difference being that the Tursib card is approached to the contactless validation machines in the bus or to the inspectors' control devices.
In the case of tickets without a QR code, printed on thermal paper, these will be presented to traffic inspectors who will check the information printed on them.
How can groups of more than 53 people travel to Păltiniș?
Buses on route 22 have 53 seats and cannot carry more passengers. Groups of more than 20 people are requested to announce their intention to travel by bus 22 and to specify the date and time of travel to and from Păltiniș.
The notice must be given at least 2 days before the trip, at the Tursib headquarters, department of Transportation, at the telephone number: 0269426100 or by e-mail:
Bicycle transport to Păltiniș
In the warm season, Tursib buses are equipped with a specially designed bicycle trailer with a capacity of 16 bikes, depending on size and model.
Bicycles are only loaded and unloaded at the end of the line, i.e., at the Main train station in Sibiu and at the station near the "Hohe Rinne" hotel in Păltiniș.
*No advance reservations can be made for bicycle transport. Bicycle places are available subject to availability at the time of boarding.
Winter equipment transport to and from Păltiniș
During winter, Tursib buses are equipped with an additional storage compartment for ski and snowboard equipment. This allows you to transport your equipment to Păltiniș, where you can discover the beauty of the winter season. You don't need a dedicated ticket for transporting winter equipment, as is the case for bikes.