Bariera Tiglari 1

Monday - Friday

00:00E3Heading towards bus stop COL. O. GOGA - SC. REGINA MARIA - PIATA RAHOVA07:0911:09
00:0016Heading towards bus stop VALEA AURIE, VALEA AURIE - UZINA DE APA05:2905:4105:5606:1306:3106:4207:0607:2207:4107:5808:2108:4409:0809:4110:0410:2811:0111:2411:4812:2112:3913:0113:3113:4914:0614:2214:4114:5715:1615:3315:5116:0816:2616:4617:0617:3418:0218:2318:4619:1219:3820:0120:2421:0921:2722:0722:3723:07
00:0018Heading towards bus stop TIGLARI - GARA, TIGLARI - COMPA - GARA05:0905:3705:5706:1706:3706:5907:1407:3007:5708:1508:4909:2909:5910:2910:5911:2911:5912:2912:5913:2913:5914:1914:5915:2415:4916:2416:5417:2417:5418:1918:5919:2919:5920:2920:5921:2922:0422:2422:5923:14
00:00117Heading towards bus stop SC CONTINENTAL - LYON, SC CONTINENTAL06:1808:0314:1316:1818:2322:13


00:0016Heading towards bus stop VALEA AURIE, VALEA AURIE - UZINA DE APA05:4406:3707:2907:5908:3409:1409:5410:3411:1411:5412:3413:5415:1416:3417:5419:1420:3421:54
00:0018Heading towards bus stop TIGLARI - GARA, TIGLARI - COMPA - GARA05:2206:1507:1408:0408:4409:2410:0410:4411:2412:0412:4413:2414:0414:4415:2416:0416:4417:2418:0418:4419:2420:0420:4421:3022:1023:04
00:00117Heading towards bus stop SC CONTINENTAL - LYON, SC CONTINENTAL06:1818:23


00:0016Heading towards bus stop VALEA AURIE, VALEA AURIE - UZINA DE APA06:5707:5709:0210:1211:3412:5414:1415:3416:5418:1419:3420:5422:04
00:0018Heading towards bus stop TIGLARI - GARA, TIGLARI - COMPA - GARA05:2206:1507:1408:0408:4409:2410:0410:4411:2412:0412:4413:2414:0414:4415:2416:0416:4417:2418:0418:4419:2420:0420:4421:3022:1023:04
00:00117Heading towards bus stop SC CONTINENTAL - LYON, SC CONTINENTAL06:1818:23

For the times marked with 00:00 the buses go to SC CONTINENTAL - LYON
For the times marked with 00:00 the buses go to SC CONTINENTAL


For the times marked with 00:00 the buses go to VALEA AURIE
For the times marked with 00:00 the buses go to VALEA AURIE - UZINA DE APA


For the times marked with 00:00 the buses go to TIGLARI - GARA
For the times marked with 00:00 the buses go to TIGLARI - COMPA - GARA